Hot Wires – Simon Ings

Hot Wires – Simon Ings


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Thời gian giao nhận hàng

  • Hồ Chí Minh: 1-2 ngày
  • Các khu vực khác sẽ tùy thuộc vào các đơn vị vận chuyển.

A fast moving cyberpunk thriller set in a world of thinking cities, ruthless corporations and mad orbital AIs. A novel that links the groundbreaking works of William Gibson to the new generation of writers such as Charlie Stross and Hannu Rajaniemi.

Ajay had a future once, birthing intelligent cities for the Haag Agency. First Delhi, then Milan. But then he is seduced into betraying his employers and finds himself working for a city that wishes to become human.

Ajay must steal some rare technology from a long dead wetware expert, a new Frankenstein called Snow, a man now alive in an AI. A man who wants a new toy for his manufactured daughter…




Tiểu thuyết lãng mạn

Chuyện Chàng Nàng – Marc Levy (xấu)

Original price was: 55.000 ₫.Current price is: 30.000 ₫.