On Gold Mountain – Lisa Lee

On Gold Mountain – Lisa Lee


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  • Hồ Chí Minh: 1-2 ngày
  • Các khu vực khác sẽ tùy thuộc vào các đơn vị vận chuyển.

When she was a girl, Lisa See spent summers in the cool, dark recesses of her family’s antiques store in Los Angeles’s Chinatown. There, her grand-mother and great-aunt told her intriguing, colorful stories about their family’s past – stories of missionaries, concubines, tong wars, glamorous nightclubs, and the determined struggle to triumph over racist laws and discrimination. They spoke of how Lisa’s great-great-grandfather emigrated from his Chinese village to the United States; how his son followed him, married a Caucasian woman, and despite great odds, went on to become one of the most prominent Chinese on “Gold Mountain” (the Chinese name for the United States). As an adult, See spent five years collecting the details of her family’s remarkable history. She interviewed nearly one hundred relatives – both Chinese and Caucasian, rich and poor – and pored over documents at the National Archives, the immigration office, and in countless attics, basements, and closets for the intimate nuances of her ancestors’ lives.



Original price was: 810.000 ₫.Current price is: 699.000 ₫.