P.S I Love You – Cecelia Ahern

P.S I Love You – Cecelia Ahern

A novel about holding on, letting go, and learning to love again.



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Thời gian giao nhận hàng

  • Hồ Chí Minh: 1-2 ngày
  • Các khu vực khác sẽ tùy thuộc vào các đơn vị vận chuyển.

Holly couldn’t live without her husband Gerry, until the day she had to. They were the kind of young couple who could finish each other’s sentences. When Gerry succumbs to a terminal illness and dies, 30-year-old Holly is set adrift, unable to pick up the pieces. But with the help of a series of letters her husband left her before he died and a little nudging from an eccentric assortment of family and friends, she learns to laugh, overcome her fears, and discover a world she never knew existed.




Trinh thám - Kinh dị

Mùi hương – Patrick Suskind

Original price was: 55.000 ₫.Current price is: 40.000 ₫.
Hết hàng
Original price was: 55.000 ₫.Current price is: 40.000 ₫.