The Cat Ate My Gymsuit – Paula Danziger

The Cat Ate My Gymsuit – Paula Danziger

A modern classic with issues that will be relevant always.


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  • Hồ Chí Minh: 1-2 ngày
  • Các khu vực khác sẽ tùy thuộc vào các đơn vị vận chuyển.

Marcy Lewis is bored by school, she knows she’s never going to be thin, and she is dead sure she’ll never have a date. Life at home isn’t great either, since her father bosses her and her mother around. Then along comes Ms. Finney, an English teacher who’ll try anything in the classroom and actually treats kids like human beings. Now that she’s found a teacher who sees Marcy as more than a name on an attendance sheet, Marcy realizes her life could mean something. When Ms. Finney is suspended, Marcy knows she’s got to take a stand. But is this new independence worth the price she’ll pay at school and at home?



Original price was: 350.000 ₫.Current price is: 200.000 ₫.