The Wow Factor: The 33 Things You Must (and Must Not) Do to Guarantee Your Edge in Today’s Business World

The Wow Factor: The 33 Things You Must (and Must Not) Do to Guarantee Your Edge in Today’s Business World

In today’s volatile business world, success requires an edge–a factor that sets you apart from the crowd. Corporate coach Frances Cole Jones understands that challenging times demand immediate solutions, and The Wow Factor provides vital information that will help you rise to the top–fast.


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  • Hồ Chí Minh: 1-2 ngày
  • Các khu vực khác sẽ tùy thuộc vào các đơn vị vận chuyển.

Who needs the Wow Factor? Executives seeking to reinvent themselves, recent graduates facing fierce competition, entrepreneurs looking for funding in a world where funding is seemingly nonexistent, or anyone who has been downsized, outsourced, or simply blindsided by harsh economic realities. In her proven “Search and Destroy” format, Jones shares thirty-three things you must (and must not) do to survive in a moment that demands solutions, shortcuts, and less sugarcoating. You’ll learn how to

• identify and transform the qualities that dull your edge
• restore your confidence in these days of “look hungry, go hungry”
• target your dream job, outprepare your interviewer, and get your résumé to the top of the pile
• fine-tune the “soft skills” that will amplify your network
• perfect your written communications–text, email, snail mail
• follow the “Do It, Delegate It, or Delete It” Rule
• get the ten worst business sayings out of your vocabulary
• implement “the Six Layers of Why” for maximum impact when interviewing, branding, or selling
• leverage the value of timing, silence, and the verbal one-two punch

Through critical, perfectly timed advice, amusing anecdotes, and proven strategies, Frances Cole Jones gives you the tools you need–daring, fluidity, and mental strength–to stay afloat in a sink-or-swim environment. The Wow Factor will help you ensure that your ideas and skills remain both timely and timeless, so that you’ll have the confidence to wow everyone, every time.




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