What will survive – Mark Gartside

What will survive – Mark Gartside


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  • Hồ Chí Minh: 1-2 ngày
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he one thing he never expected to be was a single dad
Graham Melton was a normal fifteen-year-old until he met Charlotte Marshall over a can of warm lager at his best-friend’s party in 1985. It was love at first sight, and teenage life was never going to be the same again.

Two decades later, Graham is a single father trying to protect his son from the rigours of the modern world. Everything has changed, and the innocence has long gone.

What happened in those years inbetween? How did something so perfect go so tragically wrong?

In a heart-warming and humorous tale of love, laughter and tears, Mark Gartside weaves a poignant story of one man’s struggle to bring up his son whilst learning to love and smile all over again.



Original price was: 450.000 ₫.Current price is: 319.000 ₫.